• LocationDorchester, Dorset, Monmouth Road, DT1 2DH**
  • Our Working HoursOpening times: 24 hours a day*
  • Phone Us!Call Now: 0344 947 0953

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Dorchester Plumbing Testimonials

Customer Name: Mr J Brown.
Just calling in to let you know how happy I am with the work that has been done. Such a lovely company to have people on the phone that are so polite and engineers that are easy to work with.

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Call: 0344 947 0953

Example Of Our Plumbing Services

Burst Pipes
As water changes into ice in extreme temperatures, it also increase in volume by approximately 10%. Metal pipes are more susceptible to frost damage than plastic ones, because metal is a greater thermal conductor than plastic. Of the metal pipes available, copper and stainless steel are not as vulnerable as lead.

If the ice formed cannot expand along the pipe, sometimes due to further ice formations further along the pipe, the resulting pressure can split the pipe open or force a joint to open up. A burst pipe can cause extensive damage, and will need to be dealt with very quickly.

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