• LocationDorchester, Dorset, Monmouth Road, DT1 2DH**
  • Our Working HoursOpening times: 24 hours a day*
  • Phone Us!Call Now: 0344 947 0953

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Dorchester Plumbing Testimonials

Customer Name: David Lincoln (Marketing Director, Universal Logic ltd).
Thank you for your courteous manner, your speedy response, your professionalism and efficiency

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Call: 0344 947 0953

Example Of Our Plumbing Services

Closed Heating System
Closed central heating systems use a fixed amount of water that circulates continuously around the house, within the pipework of the heating system. These systems are not very susceptible to scaling, as the water has a finite amount of calcium, the amount of which is not sufficient to cause operational problems. However, these systems can still be flushed, and water introduced from the mains, when maintenance is due. In a closed pressurised system, even a small water leak can eventually cause the pressure to drop to zero, preventing the heating system from operating.

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